Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.04.2018 15:16
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A report devoted to a new approach in the synthesis and design of topological insulators delivered

A report devoted to a new approach in the synthesis and design of topological insulators delivered

At a regular meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, deputy director of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after M.Nagiev in scientific affairs, corresponding member of ANAS Mahammad Babanli delivered a scientific report on "New approaches in the synthesis and design of topological insulators that are unique inorganic materials for high technology. Achievements and prospects" on April 18.

The scientist said that, in recent years one of the priority areas of multidisciplinary research at the intersection of chemistry, physics and materials science is the creation and study of inorganic functional materials of a new generation - topological insulators: "Being a special quantum state of matter, a topological insulator in the volume behaves like an insulator, and on the surface it has a high spin-polarized permeability. Due to this unusual phenomenon, there are ample opportunities for creating qualitatively new electronics based on topological insulators - spintronic and topological quantum computers. Also, the use of these materials in "teachers" detectors, which are used in medicine and security systems, and in other devices and devices of a new generation working on the basis of quantum computing, is envisaged".

M.Babanli noted that, more than 50 years in our country are conducted research work in the field of inorganic materials science, a strong scientific school has been formed. Having said that system studies in the field of topological insulators have been ongoing since 2011, the speaker added that over this time, extensive international contacts were established with the leading scientific centers of the European Union and Japan, which are engaged in theoretical and practical study of topological insulators; the work was supported by the Presidium of ANAS, and in 2015 the joint international laboratory of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry of ANAS and the International Physical Center of Donostia (Spain) "Advanced Materials for Quantum Computing and Spintronic" was established. He stressed that the results of the joint research conducted in this laboratory over the past three years within the framework of the scientific program approved by the Presidium were reflected in more than 20 scientific articles published in journals with high impact factor that are included in the system Web of Science. In general, the works of Azerbaijani scientists in the field of topological insulators were cited about 600 times.

After listening to the report and announcing the answers to the questions, the Presidium adopted a resolution. According to the resolution, taking into account the multidisciplinary nature of research in the field of topological insulators, the departments of the Chemical Sciences and the Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS were instructed to coordinate research in this field. Also, the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry was given assignments in such areas as supporting the scientific work of the Laboratory "Advanced Materials for Quantum Computing and Spintronic", created in conjunction with the International Physics Center Donostia, expanding international scientific ties in the field of materials science and chemistry of topological insulators, personnel training in the field of chemistry of topological insulators and other quantum materials at the master's degree and in the program of training of PhDs and etc.

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