Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.04.2018 16:07
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Presidium holds next meeting

Presidium holds next meeting

On April 18, the next meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held.

Then, academician Akif Alizadeh donated ANAS Honorary Diplomas to academician Ajdar Majidov and correspondent member of ANAS Garib Jalalov - on the occasion of their 80th jubilees, corresponding member of ANAS Ilham Shakhmuradov - on the occasion of his 60th anniversary. Also, the head of ANAS donated to corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov and Professor Ramiz Aslanov with the diploma "Award of the Presidium of ANAS".

Then, was delivered report by Deputy Director of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry after academician M.Nagiyev on scientific affeirs, corresponding member of ANAS Mahanmad Babanli on "New approaches in the synthesis and design of topological insulators, which are unique inorganic materials for high technology.

The first scientific and organizational issue brought up for discussion was related to the improvement of the publication of scientific journals in the National Academy of Sciences. Academician Akif Alizadeh said that, such important issues as the improvement of the quality of journals published in ANAS, their design in accordance with modern requirements, access to international scientific bases and the recognition of journals in the system of international indices require their solution. To this end, the Scientific and Publishing Council of ANAS was instructed to prepare proposals for improving the publication of scientific journals and submit them for consideration.

Next on the agenda was the question of the results of the analysis of bibliometric indicators of ANAS in international scientific bases. Head of the Scientific and Analytical Department of the Department of Science and Education of the Presidium of ANAS Fail Kazimov delivered a paper on this issue. He said that in recent years, ANAS has been carrying out important activities aimed at increasing the scientific rating of our country both at the regional and global levels. He spoke about the links of ANAS with the organization "Clarivate Analytics", aimed at expanding cooperation with international scientific bases, and noted that under the agreement signed between the two organizations, the scientists of ANAS were able to use the data of the "Web of Science" database. Having said that currently there are unified profiles of ANAS and its 21st scientific institution in this database, F.Kazimov added that through these profiles it is easy to determine the publishing activity of ANAS employees and scientific institutions, the indexes of the h-index (Hirsch index) and the number references to the works of scientists.

After discussion, the report on the results of the analysis of bibliometric indicators of ANAS in international scientific databases prepared by the Department of Science and Education was deemed satisfactory. Instructions were given for the implementation of relevant activities aimed at improving bibliometric indicators and on the regular analysis of these indicators.

Then, Presidium adopted a resolution on holding an international scientific conference devoted to the 70th anniversary of the prominent scientist, the late academician Mahmud Kerimov.

Further, the development of the national GRID infrastructure for physical and mathematical modeling was considered. In his speech on this issue Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, academician Nazim Mammadov recalled that, in 2008 was created the National Information and Computing Center (NICC) GRID in Azerbaijan for the first time. The scientist reported that the National Information and Analytical Center GRID is widely used by the scientific and educational institutions of the republic. The academician noted that, taking into account the increasing need for mathematical modeling of practical and theoretical studies and in computing resources, specialists of the Institute of Physics and Information Technologies of the First National GRID segment are being upgraded at the Institute of Physics and the creation of the Second National GRID segment in the Institute of Information Technologies. The scientist also added that the development of the ANAS GRID-infrastructure fully corresponds to the trend of development of information technologies in the world and is able to meet the needs of such areas of scientific activity that require the availability of adequate information and computing resources.

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