Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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25.04.2018 12:26
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A conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of prominent scientist-linguist Vagif Aslanov held

A conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of prominent scientist-linguist Vagif Aslanov held

The scientific-theoretical conference "Predecessors and followers: Vagif Aslanov and actual problems of Turkology" was held at ANASInstitute of Linguistics after Nasimi, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of prominent scholar-linguist, Turkologist, lexicologist, orientalist, translator, Professor Vagif Aslanov.

At the event, ANAS Vice-President, academician Isa Habibbeyli told about Vagif Aslanov's life and scientific activity. He noted that, V.Aslanov, who is considered the pride of Azerbaijani Turkology, was elected the 1st head of the Department of Turkic Languages of the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS in 1972. The well-known scientist applied all his knowledge and work to the study of the Azerbaijani language and the language of the classics. He first studied the epic "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud" from a linguistic point of view.

Noting that, his work "Historical lexicology of the Azerbaijani language" the scientist opposed the policy of the mankurtization USSR, I.Habibbayli added that, V.Aslanov in this work revealed his position of Azerbaijanism and the idea of national thinking. It was brought to the attention that at the general Turk conference in Baku the Russian scientist Andrey Kononov called the scientist's work "The Discovery in Turkology".

Noting that V. Aslanov created a kind of school of linguistics, I.Habibbeyli said that today many scientists refer to his works, which have remained relevant. The vice-president of ANAS stressed that besides studying the fundamental problems of linguistics, it is necessary to present to society the people who left a trace in this area.

Academician I.Habibbeyli noted that, the Institute of Linguistics actively participates in the Azerbaijani society and prepared the project "Orthographic rules of the Azerbaijani language".

 Speaking then, Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee, Ph.D. Chingis Huseynzadeh shared his memories of the scientist.

The conference listened reports by Director of the Institute of Linguistics, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu on "Vigilous Aspect Linguist Vagif Aslanov", Professor Roza Eyvazova on "Vagif Aslanov and the issues of reconstruction", Professor Sevil Mehtiyeva on "Vagif Aslanov and questions of the history of the Azerbaijani language before writing", Doc tor of Philology Kyamila Veliyeva on "The scientific heritage of the famous turkologist of the Turkic world Vagif Aslanova".

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