Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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23.05.2018 14:20
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Conference on "Interstate relations in the Caucasus: 100 years ago and modern period" kicked off

Conference on "Interstate relations in the Caucasus: 100 years ago and modern period" kicked off

An international scientific conference on "Interstate relations in the Caucasus: 100 years ago and modern period " started at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS.

The event, organized by the Institute of Caucasian Studies of ANAS, is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR).

The conference will last two days, bringing together scientists and researchers from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Estonia.

The participants of the conference firstly honored the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the Alley of Honor, laid wreaths and flowers on the grave.

The opening ceremony began with the performance of the State Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Then Head of the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the Presidential Administration Farah Aliyeva read President Ilham Aliyev’s letter.

Opening the conference, Vice President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli said that the event was held within the framework of President Ilham Aliyev's Order on May 16, 2017 "On the 100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic". He also noted that President Ilham Aliyev declared 2018 Year as the year of  Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in our country.

ADR was created in difficult conditions and soon all state structures, including the parliament, were formed, as a result of multiparty system minorities represented in the parliament. Academician also stated that the flag, anthem, emblem, army of Azerbaijan created during the Republic, and the mother tongue was declared the state language, I.Habibbayli noted.

I.Habibbeyli said that the establishment of the Republic strengthened freedom and independence in the hearts of our people and in 1990 the tricolor flag of the Popular Front of the ADR was adopted as the State Flag of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

He said that the national leader's independent and strong state ideas are being continued by President Ilham Aliyev today and many achievements in economic, political, scientific, cultural and other spheres have been gained.

Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS, academician Nargiz Akhundova, director of the Caucasian Studies Institute, correspondent member of ANAS Musa Gasimli, MPs - Fazil Mustafa, Hikmet Mammadov, Professor of Turkish Ataturk University Ibrahim Ethem Atnur, Director of the Kazakh State Institute of History Professor Burkitbay Ayagan, Head of Humanitarian Research Department of the South Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Evgeniy Krinko, President of the Center for Geopolitics and Geopolitical Studies of the Sukhumi State University, Professor Guram Markhuliya shared their views on the ADR and its founders.

The conference continued on division sessions.

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