Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.06.2018 12:25
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Recognition and propaganda of Azerbaijani manuscripts in the world is one of the important issues

Recognition and propaganda of Azerbaijani manuscripts in the world is one of the important issues

Institute of Manuscripts after Muhammad Fizuli held 3rd International Scientific Conference "Azerbaijan manuscripts in world libraries" on June 13.

Opening the conference, Vice-President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli said that, the event was organized in accordance with the Order of AR President Ilham Aliyev on the announcement of 2018 "The Year of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic". The scientist stressed that, during the years of independence we have got the opportunity to study the location and position of our manuscripts in the world.

I.Habibbayli said: "Independence gave us the opportunity to study manuscripts from a national, state, objective and scientific point of view" and highly appreciated the timed issue of manuscripts dedicated to the anniversary of the ADR conference. He noted that, today's event will allow to review the manuscripts in the period of independence. This will also give a new impetus to the work done in this direction.

Speaking about the role of the Institute of Manuscripts in studying and researching manuscripts in world libraries, academician I.Habibbeyli expressed confidence that, the results of the conference will be effective.

Academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Humanitarian Sciences, director of the Institute of Manuscripts, academician Teymur Kerimli said that, the purpose of this traditional event is to direct attention of researchers in the field of manuscripts to Azerbaijan and to represent our country as a center of science and culture in the international arena. Speaking about the events held at the institute he directed in the field of collecting, studying and researching manuscripts, as well as the successes achieved, he brought to the attention that at today's conference will be listened the reports of researchers, in particular, young experts from various scientific institutions of the country.

At the event, were listened reports by Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Manuscripts, Doctor of Philology Aibeniz Aliyeva-Kangarli on "Literary Concept of the Republican Period" (Literary Collection M.Rasulzadeh), Deputy Director of the Institute of Manuscripts, Doctor of Philology Pasha Karimov on "Tale "Teslim" of Nasib Bay Yusifbeyli", Doctor of Philology Naila Samedova on "The activities of Yusif Vezir in the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic", PhD in the History of Esmira Javadova on "The modern Azerbaijan Republic is the legal successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic".


The conference continued its work with breakout sessions.

In total, more than 50 reports were delivered at the meetings.

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