On July 6, presentation ceremony of the "Azerbaijani translation encyclopedia" was held at Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL).
The work, created for more than 10 years, is a treasure of knowledge. The publication, which is a product of joint work of Baku Slavic University and AUL, will be a valuable tool for translation, culture, philology and writers, speaking at the event, the author of the book, rector of AUL, academician Kamal Abdullayev emphasized.
"For the first time, the book" Azerbaijani Translation Encyclopedia ", presented to readers, includes the philosophical foundations, subjects and problems of translation, the important moments of translation history in our country, theoretical-practical issues, academician K.Abdullayev lined out.
Vice-President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli underlined that a number of important issues related to the translation and translation science of the book, the list of state orders, documents, books included in the World Literature Library, and translation history of Azerbaijan are included in the speech. He noted that this encyclopedia is the first monographic research on Azerbaijani translation.
Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu, director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Imanov spoke about the essence of the presented book and evaluated the publication as an important cultural event.
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