Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.05.2014 00:00
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New project among student and masters

New project among student and masters

Organizing a variety of workshops on different fields of science under the slogan “The most recent scientific achievements” for students and masters, Council of Young Scientists and Specialists has launched campaign of science promotion. The first workshop was held with student and masters of Ganja State University on May 5, 2014.

Scientific workshop with participation of students and masters of the faculty of chemistry was opened by rector of GSU Dr. chemistry prof. Yusif Yusifov. Head of Ganja Branch corresponding member of ANAS Fuad Aliyev spoke about science popularization.

Later on, chairman of CYSS of ANAS Institute of Chemical Additives, PhD in chemistry Afsun Sujayev, chairman of CYSS of ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes, PhD in technique Narmina Abdullayeva, chairman of CYSS of ANAS Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, PhD in chemistry Faig Mammadov, chairman of CYSS of ANAS Institute of Polymer Materials PhD in chemistry Sevil Mashayeva reported on latest scientific achievements and roles of young scientist and researchers in obtaining them.

Note that, council members visited ancient material-cultural sample of Azerbaijan, Goytepe archaeological complex in Tovuz. Chief department of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, PhD in history Farhad Guliyev informed the young researchers of its importance from view point of learning our history and development of tourism.

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