Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.08.2018 09:21
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Archaeological excavations held in the ancient settlement of Gabala region

Archaeological excavations held in the ancient settlement of Gabala region

The expedition led by Deputy Director of ANAS Institute of Archeology and Ethnography Najaf Museibli  continued archeological excavations in the ancient settlement of Kalaeri in Gabala in July this year.

The monument of Galayeri (4th millennium BC), related to the archaeological culture of Leylatepa, is located on the territory of the Gabala International Airport and since 2012 the archaeological works are being conducted here.

This year, as a result of excavations in the central part of the monument, the thickness of the cultural layer, which proves the durability of the life of the chalcolite, is more than 3 m. This is a very high indicator for the culture of Leylatepe.

In the excavations were found remains of ancient houses, grave graves buried in different pottery containers, thousands of fragments of ancient pottery containers and instruments of different stones.

In this settlement were found small metal tools which is prove production of metal 6 thousand years ago.

The discovery of the potter's wheel proves the application of the technologies of that time in the manufacture of ceramic dishes.

The valuable cultural samples found show the genetic connection of the Galayeri settlement with the ancient civilizations of Eastern Anatolia and Northern Mesopotamia.

During the expedition, reconnaissance work was carried out on the territory of the district, as a result of which several archaeological zones were discovered.

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