Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.05.2014 00:00
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II Special Department of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidium held next workshop

II Special Department of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidium held next workshop

II Special Department of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidium hosted the next workshop entitled as “Urgent medical assistance. Self defense and mutual assistance” by Jabbar Hajiyev, professor of the “General Surgery” Chair of Azerbaijan State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Employees of II Special Department, Civil Defense headquarter chiefs of ANAS scientific enterprises and organizations, several commanders of the organization's medical posts and others were attended in a workshop.

Opening the workshop chief of department Eldar Guliyev spoke about an invaluable role of blood in human life, its nature and properties.

Then, professor, author of the theme, J. Hajiyev made presentation about bleeding, the rules of first medical assistance. He stated that, the main danger is that the organism as a result of the sharp drop in the blood supply vital organs (liver, kidneys, in particular brain) suffers from a lack of oxygen. Bleedings that posing a threat to human life is - capillary, venous and arterial. Note that, arterial bleeding is quiet dangerous but venous and capillary bleedings are usually less dangerous. For this reason, it is extremely important to provide immediate medical assistance to the injured.

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