Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


14.05.2014 00:00
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All-republican scientific seminar in the field of Earth Sciences was held

All-republican scientific seminar in the field of Earth Sciences was held

At Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) the all-republican scientific seminar was held.

Action was opened by the Deputy Director of the Institute, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Dadash Huseynov who gave information on the agenda. Then PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Avaz Salamov made the report “New results electrical intelligence studies in the area of the landslide Bail”. He reported that today in the Bailov's settlement the 14 landslides were registered: “Landslide processes began in the middle of the XIX century and were active in 1847, 1877, 1919, 1927, 1929, 1932, 1953, 1968, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1996, 2000 and 2011. Happened in March 2000th the landslide covered the territory width 350м and length 450м. As a whole as a result of the occurred landslide the weight of 4,5-5,0 m3 of volume underwent landslide process. The large damage was as a result caused to various structures, lines of communication and the population”. It should be noted that studying of landslides of the exogenous geological processes today is an actual problem. For the purpose of studying of landslide processes on the Bailov slope in 1975, 1985, 1996, 2000 and 2012 were conducted the researches by complex engineering-geological and geophysical methods. Also A.Salamov noted that as a result of the researches conducted till 2012, the geological section was studied up to the depth 40м so that it partially provided full information on a geological structure of the territory. In the 2012th year for the purpose of studying of geological cuts up to the depth 100м on the Bailov's landslide site provided that the distance between coal mines 100M, and between points of supervision will be 20м, geophysical researches by the Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) method on three profiles in West east direction were conducted.

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