Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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27.09.2018 12:40
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International conference "Caucasus: history, modernity, future" kicked off

International conference "Caucasus: history, modernity, future" kicked off

On September 27, the international conference "Caucasus: history, modernity, future", organized by the Turkish Historical Organization (TIO) and the Institute of Strategic Thinking (IST), as well as the Institute of History of ANAS kicked off at Hyatt Regency Hotel. The conference was attended by specialists from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia and other countries of the world.

In the beginning, the national anthems of Turkey and Azerbaijan were voiced.

At the event, the head of the TIO, Dr. Muhamed Savash Kavkasyaly noted the importance of this conference for studying the history of the Caucasus. Further, he informed the audience about the institution he was leading. Recalling the agreement signed between the TIO and the Institute of History, he noted that, on the basis of this document, problems of strategic importance in the history of Azerbaijan and Turkey and other Turkic-Muslim republics were identified, joint work was carried out in this direction.

ANAS Vice-President, academician Isa Habibbayli said that, Azerbaijani-Turkish friendship is an example for the whole world community. Recalling the dictum of the national leader Heydar Aliyev - "One nation, two states", he noted the irreplaceable role of the great leader in the development of Turkish-Azerbaijani relations. The academician said that the parade on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the liberation of Baku with the participation of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey was once again demonstrated by the Azerbaijani-Turkish union. The scientist noted that the international conference has a scientific-political and strategic significance, stressed its importance in terms of the exchange of ideas and experience, as well as expanding ties. Academician I.Habibbayli said that, Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict occupies a special place in the Caucasus and world scientists are aware of the Armenians' attempts to propagandize dreams about "Great Armenia". In his speech I.Habibbayli spoke about the activities of the Institute of Caucasus Studies.

Then, chairman of the TIO, Professor Refig Turan, spoke about the peculiarities of the Caucasian peoples, common roots, and common cultural values, as well as the role of the Turkic peoples in enriching the Caucasus region.

Director of the Institute of History, academician Yagub Mahmudov noted that, Caucasus has a rich history and is a region that can serve as an example to the world. It is said that Azerbaijan is making serious steps in preserving peace and tranquility in the Caucasus. Created at the initiative of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Arzurum oil pipelines bear both economic importance and contribution to the formation of relations among the peoples of the region. One of the main objectives of this forum is to draw attention to the scientific relations in the Caucasus, as well as the genocide committed by Armenians and the myths created by them around Nagorno-Karabakh to the world community.

Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Erkan Ozoral and others, who spoke at the forum, held discussions on the processes taking place in the Caucasus region, the geopolitical claims of Armenians and other issues.

The conference heard such reports as "The Role and Place of the Azerbaijani State of Albania in the History of the Caucasus", "Migration Processes in the History of the Caucasus: Cimmer, Iskit and Saki", "Derbent in the History of the Caucasus", "The Population of Azerbaijan in the Archives (XVIII-XIX Centuries"),"The policy of Tsarist Russia to create an Armenian state in the South Caucasus","genocide against the Turkic-Muslim population of South. Caucasus at the beginning of the 20th century","The policy of Bolshevik Russia in the fragmentation of the Turkic world and the issue of Western Zengezur to Armenians", "The Oil Problem in the History of Azerbaijan", etc.

The international conference will continue on the sections "History and Culture", "Politics", "Economy", "Regional Problems in the History of the Caucasus from Past to present" and "The Future of the Caucasus" and will end on September 28.

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