Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


08.10.2018 15:25
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International Conference "International terrorism and the struggle against terrorism in modern conditions"

International Conference "International terrorism and the struggle against terrorism in modern conditions"

Today, at the Holiday Inn hosted an international conference "International terrorism and the struggle against terrorism in modern conditions". The event was organized by the Institute of Law and Human Rights  of ANAS and the Bar Association of the Black Sea and Caspian regions. The conference was attended by representatives of state structures of Azerbaijan, as well as well-known lawyers from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Serbia, Italy, Moldova, Greece and other countries.

The President of the Association, Doctor of Laws, Ilham Rahimov opened the event, noted that international terrorism is a threat not only for individual states, but for all mankind, also touched on the importance of international cooperation in combating it. I.Rahimov informed the participants of the conference about the activities of the organization in 2017-2018.

Further, speaking, Director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Doctor of Law Aytan Mustafazadeh said that, terrorism is one of the main problems of the second half of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century. She noted the problems of the fight against terror and that Azerbaijan has been subjected to it for about 30 years. She informed the audience that, the lands of Azerbaijan were occupied by Armenia, about a million of our compatriots were driven out of their homes and thousands of our citizens were captured and taken hostage and subjected to cruel torture. A.Mustafazadeh said that, the United Nations adopted four resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, other legal documents were also adopted by international organizations, but Armenia ignores them.

Then, it was told about cyberterrorism. He said that, it is extremely difficult to control this modern type of terror and here they use the psychological effects of influencing a wide mass through the Internet. She noted that cybercriminals seize the bank accounts of ordinary people anywhere in the world and accumulate large capital, part of which is sent to terrorist networks.

A.Mustafazadeh noted that, in 2001 the European Union adopted the International Convention on Cyber-Terrorism, Azerbaijan joined this document since 2008. She noted that in recent years, new articles have been added to the Criminal Code and the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies has tightened the fight against cyber-attacks.

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