Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Discussed scientific journals of the Institute of Department of Chemical Sciences
31.10.2018 09:23
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Discussed scientific journals of the Institute of Department of Chemical Sciences

Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, chairman of Scientific Publishing Council of ANAS, correspondent member of the Academy Misir Mardanov met with responsible secretaries of scientific journals published in the Institutes of Department of Chemical Sciences.

During the meeting, M.Mardanov underscored the results of surveys of journals published in the department's offices, adding that the include of the "Chemical Problems", "Oil Chemistry and Oil Processing Processes" journals into the “Web of Science” scientific base is a pleasing factor. M.Mardanov also acquainted secretaries responsible for the rules prepared by journals to comply with international standards.

Scientist said the state of the scientific publications published at the Institutes of Department of Chemical Sciences is generally satisfactory.

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