Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.12.2018 14:16
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Scientists of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics made presentations at international conference in Russia

Scientists of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics made presentations at international conference in Russia

An international scientific conference entitled "Differential operators: problems of mathematics education" dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Professor L.Kudryavtsev, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, was held in Moscow, Russia.

The event was attended by the deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, correspondent member of ANAS Vagif Guliyev and the senior science researcher of the mathematical analysis department of ANAS, Rovshan Bandaliyev.

At the plenary session of the conference Mr. V. Guliyev and R. Bandarev made presentations.

Azerbaijani scientists headed the section "Function theory and functional spaces".

Joint research with Professor V.Burenkov was conducted as part of the science-research program "Applications of Morri type spaces and special derivative differential equations", winner of the 1st Azerbaijan-Russia International Grant Competition under the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan at  Moscow Institute of Peoples Friendship.

In addition, scientists from the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics met with professors from Italy, Kazakhstan, Japan, Russia, China and Indonesia and exchanged views on expanding scientific ties.

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