On January 16, at the next meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, academician Nazim Mammadov delivered a report on reflecting the scientific and scientific-organizational activity of the department in 2018.
Academician said that, in the reporting year, fundamental and applied research was conducted in accordance with the approved by the Presidium "Priority areas of research work to be carried out in the Azerbaijan Republic in 2014-2020."
Nazim Mammadov noted that, last year, 329 research papers on 83 topics covered 18 problems in the Division offices: “12 topics and 148 works have already been completed. In general, 76 grants were received in the Division, 25 of them were received jointly with foreign scientists. Division offices also received 22 patents”. Stressing that, in 2018 1,156 articles of scientists were published, academician added that, 713 of them were published in foreign journals, including 454 in journals with impact factor and conference materials that are included in the Scopus and Thomson Reuters databases. The works of employees were referred to 11,689 times.
At the meeting it was noted that, the Division conducted research works in such areas as condensed matter physics, physical and technical fundamentals of optoelectronics, nuclear and high-energy physics, harmonic and non-harmonic analysis, optimal control theory, computerized visualization control technologies in non-linear dynamics issues, deformable solid, theoretical and applied problems of fluid mechanics and gas, identification technologies in control, signal recognition and technical diagnostics systems sticks, accident monitoring and forecasting systems, intelligent decision-making technologies, artificial intelligence technologies and systems, theoretical management problems, teletraffic theory, modeling of technical objects, ecological and socio-economic processes. At the meeting it was noted that, the Division conducted research in such areas as condensed matter physics, physical and technical fundamentals of optoelectronics, nuclear and high-energy physics, harmonic and non-harmonic analysis, optimal control theory, computerized visualization control technologies in non-linear dynamics issues, deformable solid, theoretical and applied problems of fluid mechanics and gas, identification technologies in control, signal recognition and technical diagnostics systems sticks, accident monitoring and forecasting systems, intelligent decision-making technologies, artificial intelligence technologies and systems, theoretical management problems, teletraffic theory, modeling of technical objects, ecological and socio-economic processes.
Noting that, in 2018 all the institutes of the Division received admission to the magistracy, head of the Division added that, 24 people enrolled in the magistracy, currently there are 46 undergraduates. Nazim Mammadov also reported that, during the year more than 200 teachers and students of higher educational institutions underwent advanced training and practical training at the institutes. The scientists of the Division are engaged in pedagogical activities at universities in the republic as well as in a number of foreign countries, they give lectures, conduct special courses, and are supervisors of bachelors and undergraduates.At the meeting, it was stressed that, the network infrastructures of e-science and e-education were integrated - AzScienceNet and AzEduNet, access to the GEANT network was provided and opportunities were created for online cooperation of domestic scientists with European scientific and educational centers.Also, Academician-Secretary said that, significant work had been done to update the material and technical base of scientific institutions and organizations within the Division and to improve the information supportTouching upon the issue of the active participation of institutes and organizations of the branch in enriching the wiki space with necessary information related to Azerbaijan, its protection and development, Nazim Mammadov noted that, at present all the institutes of the branch have wiki groups that last year were posted over 1000 articles and data.
In the report, it was reported that, international and republican conferences were held, in journals published in Azerbaijani and English, articles by both domestic and foreign scientists were published. Academician added that, last year 10 monographs of the department’s staff were published, 2 of which were published abroad, 19 books, 8 of which saw the light of abroad, 16 textbooks and 17 mass media publications.
At the meeting, it was noted that, the activities of the department during 2018, aimed at expanding international relations, deserve special attention. The institutes of the department established cooperation with more than 200 well-known scientific and educational organizations of foreign countries, carried out joint research works and projects. Nazim Mammadov said that, currently 20 Azerbaijani scientists are working at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). Most of the scientists who carry out joint research with JINR conduct their research at the institutes of ANAS, relying on the JINR methodology and visit Dubna during short trips.
After listening the report were held discussions, the report was approved. Important results obtained in the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS were included in the annual report of the Academy. Various proposals were put forward aimed at raising the level of research, teaching and practical activities.
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