Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


20.01.2019 14:41
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Approved twenty-two dissertations at the meeting of Scientific Council on Philological Problems

Approved twenty-two dissertations at the meeting of Scientific Council on Philological Problems

The first meeting of the Scientific Council for Philological Problems was held at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS this year.

At the meeting chaired by the director of the museum, academician Rafael Huseynov, 30 dissertations – 7 for doctor's degree and 23 for Ph.D. degrees were discussed.

Doctoral student of the Literature Museum Konul Eyvazova, Baku Slavic University ’s dissertator Guney Maharramova, Doctoral student of Literature Museum Nazmiya Yigitoglu’s themes was registered without any changes.

The title of the dissertations authored by  Gul Atrabe, Tunzala Yusifova changed and accepted.

"Linguistic features of Norwegian dialects and their literary language differences", "Linguistic features of the initial lexical-semantic word groups" , "The linguistic modification of the American English", "The termination of special names in Azerbaijani and English", "Interaction of language units in Azerbaijani and German texts", "Poetic legacy and literary image of Yellow Aşıq", "Creative principles of journalist in electronic media" Mahammadhuseyn Shahriyar's mother tongue poetry, national memory and traditions of national self-expression "," Language and style characteristics of Jane Austin novels "," Ilham Aliyev and the concept of development of Azerbaijani linguistics "and other topics were discussed.

Of the 30 dissertation topics discussed at the meeting, 10 were changed and 12 were approved, with a total of 22 topics approved.

Deputy Chairman of the Board Professor Askar Rasulov, Secretary of the Council Aida Gasimova and other members of the Council, doctors of philology, professors Badirkhan Ahmadov, Shafag Alibeyli, Ramiz Asker, Imamverdi Hamidov, Bilal Ismayilov, Gazanfar Kazimov, Mehdi Kazimov, Pasha Kerimov, Rahila Geybullayeva, Gulu Maharramli, Nadir Mammadli, Jalil Nagiyev, Seyfaddin Rzasoy and Fakhraddin Veyselli expressed their views and suggestions.

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