Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.01.2019 14:06
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Institute of Biophysics and Khazar University signed Memorandum of Understanding

Institute of Biophysics and Khazar University signed Memorandum of Understanding

ANAS Institute of Biophysics and Khazar University signed Memorandum of Understanding on January 24.

Before the signing, was held a meeting between Director of the Institute of Biophysics, correspondent member of ANAS Oktay Gasymov and pro-rector of Khazar University, associate professor Irada Khalilova.

The sides discussed joint scientific exchange of experience and implementation of other joint projects.

O.Gasimov spoke about the importance of the signed Memorandum and expressed his confidence that significant scientific results would be achieved within the framework of cooperation.

Expressing satisfaction with the Institute of Biophysics, I.Khalilova said that, the Memorandum will give impetus to the development of education and science, as well as the expansion of ties between the two institutions.

A working group of experts is expected to be set up to implement the agreements between the parties.

Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, academician Vagif Abbasov, deputy director on scientific affairs of the Institute of Biophysics, Doctor of biological sciences Karim Gasimov and genetic expert from Biological Sciences Department, PhD in biology Javid Ojagi also attended the meeting.

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