Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Last farewell with notable scientist Javad Heyat
14.08.2014 00:00
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Last farewell with notable scientist Javad Heyat

Today, the main building of ANAS hosted for farewell ceremony with famous scientist and public figure, world-renowned surgeon, member of the Paris International Academy of Surgeons, prose writer, well-known linguist, literary critic, folklorist, historian, philosopher, and professor Javad Heyat.

Ceremony was attended by state and governmental officials, scientists and cultural figures, as well as dignity.

In advance, a video slide was shown about his life and creativity.

The event was opened by the vice-president of ANAS, acad. Ibrahim Guliyev and he informed about his life and performance. Was born in Tabriz city on May 24, 1925 Javad Heyat has graduated from medical faculties of Tehran and Istanbul Universities and possessed surgery profession of University of Paris. The successful operations on the heart brought him worldwide fame. “Presence” journal published by him in 1970 had recognized him as a well-known expert in the area humanitarian. Today, his 6 books and over 100 scientific papers in various fields maintain its scientific importance.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Writers’ Union Anar Rzayev made speech on Javad Heyat, great patriot son of North and South Azerbaijan, and his exceptional merits in Azerbaijan literature, language and history besides being talented surgeon.

In the event also reported academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences acad. Teymur Karimli, well-known surgeon, prof. Hidayat Isayev, acting director of the Institute of Linguistics acad. Tofig Hajiyev spoke of his great contributions to the development of the science.

In conclusion, on behalf of the deceased's family prof. Aghabey Azerbaijani shared their memories of him.

Then deceased was headed to his funeral. He was buried in the Alley of Honor.

Javad Heyat who lived a glorious life will always live in the hearts of the people who knew him.

Allah rəhmət eləsin!

Video of farewell ceremony

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