Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


13.02.2019 15:03
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“How do philosophers see the future?” event held

“How do philosophers see the future?” event held

ANAS Institute of Philosophy held a seminar on “How do philosophers see the future?”, which was attended by the institute’s team, Director of the Institute of Economy, Doctor of Economy sciences, Professor Nazim Imanov, Deputy Director for Scientific Affair, Ph.D. in Economy, associate professor Allahyar Muradov and corresponding member of ANAS Akif Musayev.

Head of the Department of the Institute Fizuli Gurbanov opened the event and informed on the seminar.

Then, Director of the Institute of Philosophy, PhD in Physics, Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh delivered a paper. In his report, the scientist noted that, today Azerbaijani philosophers should conduct a comprehensive study of the modern period and the near future in the process of interdisciplinary work with biology, sociology and other areas.

The scientist noted that, now the picture of the world is complex, there are many alarming moments and crises for humanity. He mentioned the controversy in the world in the last century, noted that some of the processes in connection with these situations will continue til 2050.

Today, there are different civilizations and cultures in Asia. Director of the institute added that, 50 percent of the world economy is concentrated here and problems can easily be solved thanks to the dialogue of peoples.

Speaking about the possibility of predicting crises, the scientist noted that, the philosophy science can contribute to the salvation of mankind by researching in the coming years.

During the event, the reports by Fizuli Gurbanov and head of Department, Professor Ali Abasov were also listened.

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