Scientific Council on Philological Problems held its next meeting under the chairmanship of academician Rafael Huseynov at the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi.
At the meeting were discussed totally 32 works - 4 doctors of sciences, 28 PhD dissertations.
PhD student of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS Nargiz Ismayilova and the PhD student of Sumgait State University, Tora Mammadova’s themes without any changes in their names.
The doctoral student of the Baku State University, Almera Nabiyeva's "Development trends of the Azerbaijani epics" was proposed to be revised and approved at one of the next sessions.
Changes in the name of 5 out of 32 discussed in the session, overall, were recorded 26 topics, and 6 subjects were considered inadmissible.
Deputy Chairman of the Board, prof. Asker Rasulov, members of the council, doctors of philology, professors Badirkhan Ahmadov, Shafag Alibeyli, Ramiz Asker, Imamverdi Hamidov, Bilal Ismayilov, Gazanfar Kazimov, Pasha Kerimov, Rakhila Geybullayeva, Farida Azizova, Huseyn Hashimli, Azade Musayeva, Jalil Nagiyev, Seyfaddin Rzasoy, Gorkmaz Guliyev, Fakhraddin Veyselli, made their remarks and proposals.
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