ANAS Institute of Genetic Resources (IGR) held a meeting with the participation of the Ghulam Isaczai, UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, Shams Mustafayeva Coordination Analyst at Office of the UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative Alessandro Fracassetti, head of the FAO Partnership and Coordination Office in Azerbaijan Melek Chakmak and head Department of Office of International Relations Esmira Alirzayeva.
Director of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Zeynal Akparov noted that, the main scientific areas of IGR are inventory, certification, collection, introduction, restoration, reproduction, evaluation by international descriptors of cultivated plants and their wild relatives.
The Institute assessed their resistance to biotic and abiotic stress factors, ensured the preservation and created the National Database of Plant Genetic Resources. He noted the cooperation of the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS on the project “Conservation and sustainable use of global agrobiological diversity”.
By the support of the World Bank, at the institute has been created a modern laboratory of biotechnologies.
In conclusion, the guests familiarized with the work of the Departments of the Institute and the National Genebank.
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