Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.02.2019 14:40
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A seminar on technology transfer and commercialization of science

A seminar on technology transfer and commercialization of science

ANAS High Technologies Park (HT Park)  and South Korea's Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) held a seminar within the framework of the project "Technology transfer and Promoting the commercialization of science in Azerbaijan".

At the event held at the Central Scientific Library representatives of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS HT Park, STEPI, Hoseo and Honbat universities of South Korea attended the event.

The seminar was opened by Nazim Shukurov, Director of HT Park, PhD in economics, and said that ANAS is a high-level institution implementing state policy in the field of science. He said that today Azerbaijani scientists are contributing to the country's economy through their innovative ideas and projects.

Presently, South Korea is one of the most developed countries in the Asian continent, Gross Domestic Product per capita in the mentioned country is more than $ 30,000, and it is important to study the experience of South Korea, the speaker added.

Then Vusal Suleymanli, Deputy Director of Patent, Certification, Marketing and Business Incubation Department, made a presentation on the activity of the organization.

In addition, it was noted that the patent bank of inventions developed by scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS was created.

Then, representatives of the STEPI International Innovation Cooperation Center discussed the current status of technology transfer ecosystems in Azerbaijan, talked about cooperation, as well as the presentation on South Korean experience in technology transfer and commercialization of science, and answered questions of the participants.

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