Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.06.2019 12:14
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Jafar Jabbarli's 120th jubilee is celebrated in Khizi district

Jafar Jabbarli's 120th jubilee is celebrated in Khizi district

A conference dedicated to the 120th jubilee of prominent Azerbaijan dramatist, poet, poet, writer, theatrical writer, translator Jafar Jabbarli has been held in J. Jabbarli House Museum in Khizi region.

The event was organized jointly by J. Jabbarli's house museums in Baku city and Khizi district.

At the conference, the staff of the Institute of Manuscripts named after M.Fuzuli of ANAS - doctor of history Tahira Hasanzadeh, PhDs in philology - Nazakat Mammadova, Ayten Guliyeva and Irada Vezirova made reports on the life and creativity of the writer.

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