Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.07.2019 14:20
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Young archeologists and students summer school in Gabala

Young archeologists and students summer school in Gabala

An international summer school of young archeologists and students has started in Gabala jointly organized by the Department of Social Sciences of ANAS and the Young Scientists and Specialists Council.

The goal is to involve young people in discussions on major issues in the archeology and research results in the republic and around the world.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the chairman of the council, PhD in physics, associate professor Famin Salmanov said that the organization of summer schools for young scientists and specialists at the academy is a tradition. He noted that the summer school for young chemists in Shamakhi and winter school for young biologists in Baku was successfully organized by the council during this period.

F.Salmanov underlined that Korean archeologists have been conducting research in Gabala and it is a great opportunity for the summer school participants to practice.

Then, at the plenary session of the event, the report was delivered by a leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, PhD on History, head of the ancient and medieval Gabala archeological expedition Jeyhun Eminli.

It should be noted that the 5-day Summer School participants are expected to take an excursion to the Salbir territory, which is of great importance for the world's history and culture. In addition, the participants will also participate in field surveys.

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