Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.07.2019 14:00
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Presidium of ANAS held a mobile meeting at Azerbaijan Medical University

Presidium of ANAS held a mobile meeting at Azerbaijan Medical University

A pilot meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held at the Training Therapeutic Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University on July 17. Firstly, academician Akif Alizadeh presented medal of the "100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic" (1918-2018)to academician Naila Velikhanli, director of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, the leading scientific worker of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Doctor of Philosophy Moisey Becker and employee of Baku International Center for Multiculturalism Araz Gurbanov.

The next issue on the agenda was the scientific sessions of the scientific divisions of ANAS. It was noted that the organization of the sessions is of great importance for conducting extensive discussions with the participation of professional specialists and young scientists, in-depth study of existing problems on scientific priorities, as well as revealing youth's knowledge and skills and identifying creative young people. Taking this into consideration, the Presidium held scientific sessions at scientific departments of ANAS at least once in a quarter, discussing scientific issues related to various actual problems of nature, engineering, humanitarian and social science with the participation of relevant professionals, and other issues hit.

Other issues on the agenda were the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics in October 2019 and the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Linguistic after Nasimi in March 2020. At the meeting, it was decided to hold an international conference titled "Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics" on the jubilee of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. The Action Plan on celebrating the anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics has been approved.

The next decisions were made to send senior researcher of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, PhD in Biology Ulkar Ibrahimova, and the researcher of the same institute Guman Garayev to Italy and Engineer of the Institute of Oil and Gas Emil Jalilov to Montreal, Canada.

Then, the decision was made to celebrate the, 110th anniversary of academician Mammadaga Shiraliyev and 60th jubilee of Academician Nargiz Akhundova, academician-secretary of Social Sciences Department.

Doctor of biological sciences Eldar Novruzov has been appointed deputy director on scientific affairs of the Institute of Botany by the Decree of the Presidium.

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