Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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22.08.2019 12:54
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Students of Baku branch of MSU perform scientific-practical excursion to the High Technologie Park of ANAS

Students of Baku branch of MSU perform scientific-practical excursion to the High Technologie Park of ANAS

On August 21, 2019 students of the Baku branch of the Moscow State University (MSU) after M.Lomonosov made a scientific excursion to the High Technologies Park of the ANAS. The meeting was led by the Deputy Dean of the University's Faculty of Chemistry Ayyub Mammadov, Professor Bogdan Lazoryak, Associate Professor Oksana Barishnikova and Associate Professor Daineko Dina.

 Director of HT Park, Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Sciences, Associate Professor Samir Mammadov welcomed the university staff and gave them detailed information about the enterprise. He said that the main objectives of the organization are the development of high-tech products based on innovative and high technologies, production of high-tech products with the export potential of Azerbaijan, as well as commercialization of the results achieved by national scientists.

The guests got acquainted with the Accredited Strategic Scientific Analytical Testing Center (ASSATC), which meets international standards, initiated by ANAS. They were provided with detailed information on laboratory facilities and services. It was stated that the aim of ASSATC is to concentrate on the balance of scientific institutions and organizations of the academy in a single center for more efficient use of scientific equipment, devices and other tools in research and development of new technologies. At the same time, this center is intended to conduct high-level tests of gas, oil and petrochemical products in accordance with the requirements of effective national, interstate and other regulatory documents and to provide customers with valid test results.

Then the university delegation got acquainted with the Experimental-Industrial Plant of ANAS. Visitors were informed about the main activities of the plant and innovative products made here. It was informed that the enterprise, which is the first resident of YT Park, is engaged in the production of lubricants that meet international standards. Establishing direct links between science and production, mastering new technological processes at the scale of industry and experience is one of the key activities undertaken by the plant. Here are established production facilities and modern laboratory-pilot complex, allowing to produce lubricants that meet modern requirements.

Later, the visitors got acquainted with the products and production of “Millers Oils Azerbaijan” LLC. It was noted that Millers Oils Azerbaijan LLC is engaged in the production of high-quality lubricants meeting world standards.

Representatives of the Moscow State University were directly involved in the process of production of both lubricants.

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