Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.10.2019 12:52
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Nakhchivan Division hosted a seminar on e-libraries

Nakhchivan Division hosted a seminar on e-libraries

Scientific Library of ANAS Nakhchivan Division held scientific seminar on "Modern times and e-libraries".

Director of the library Sahab Aliyeva spoke on the role of e-libraries established in Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

He recalled Order of AR President Ilham Aliyev "On Improvement of Libraries in Azerbaijan" dated April 20, 2007.

Scientist emphasized the importance of this order in terms of the electronicization of libraries of the country, their inclusion in the ranks of the developed world libraries and the creation of a virtual library of Azerbaijani literature.

Speaking on work done to establish of the modern library standards in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the electronicization of libraries, Sahab Aliyeva noted on the wide opportunities created for libraries in the Autonomous Republic. She informed that, e-library of the Division was created on September 4, 2013 and the library's website has been presented to readers.

Later, Nurida Kangarli, chief librarian of the Scientific Library delivered a paper on "The processes of e-libraries in the libraries" and head of the Fund Kamala Guliyeva on "The role of e-libraries in society".

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