Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


18.10.2019 16:11
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Academician Akif Alizadeh was awarded a medal for his contribution to the development of paleontology

Academician Akif Alizadeh was awarded a medal for his contribution to the development of paleontology

On October 18, the Presidium of ANAS held a meeting with academician Alexei Lopatin, a director of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Institute of Paleontology named after A.A. Borisyak, Professor Vadim Kosyanov, a rector of Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, and  vice-rector of the same university Prof. Vagif Karimov.

Academician Akif Alizadeh spoke at the meeting about the state care for science in our country. He noted that the relevant order of President Ilham Aliyev was established in Azerbaijan as March 27 - Science Day and this year for the first time a series of events were held in this direction. The academician also noted that the 2nd Congress of Azerbaijani scientists is of great importance in terms of integration of world science and strengthening of relations with Azerbaijani scientists living abroad.

He spoke about important researches and achievements in the field of geology, paleontology, stratigraphy, geoecology, geopaleontology in ANAS. He stressed out the need to involve young scientists in joint research and train young professionals in this area as well.

Speaking at the meeting, academician A. Lopatin first congratulated on the Independence Day of Azerbaijan and then informed about his enterprise. He noted that the Institute of Paleontology is one of the most important research centers in Russia, focusing on systematics and phylogeny of fossil organisms, formation and development of ecosystems and biosphere, biodiversity, morphology, paleoecology, and bacterial paleontology. Lopatin stressed the high level of friendly relations between the two countries and highlighted the importance of conducting joint research with Azerbaijani scientists. He expressed interest in conducting joint research with Azerbaijani paleontologists in the area of Binagadi IV Fauna and Flora Natural Monument.

For his contribution to the development of paleontology, A. Lopatin has presented the academician Akif Alizade with the "A.A. Borisyak Medal" and diploma.

Then Professor Vadim Kosyanov stressed the importance of conducting research, staffing and exchange of experiences with his Azerbaijani colleagues, and presented the Russian Geological Encyclopedia to academician Akif Alizadeh.

At the meeting, Professor Vagif Karimov also said that a special issue of the mining journal dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Azerbaijan's state independence, was prepared. He said that various papers were placed in following sections of the journal: "25th Anniversary of Sustainable and Dynamic Development of Azerbaijan", "Natural Resources of Azerbaijan", "Mining Industry Complex of Azerbaijan", "Cultural and Art Potential", etc.

The meeting was attended by academician-secretary of the Division of Earth Sciences of ANAS academician Fakhraddin Gadirov, office head of the Presidium Zulfugar Farzaliyev and scientists of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

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