Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


06.11.2019 09:35
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Academician Yagub Mahmudov: The main purpose of my visit to Kuwait is to convey the truth of Azerbaijan to the public

Academician Yagub Mahmudov: The main purpose of my visit to Kuwait is to convey the truth of Azerbaijan to the public

The delegation led by the director of the Institute of History of ANAS, academician Yagub Mahmudov met with Elkhan Gahramanov, the ambassador of our country to Kuwait.

The delegation consists of scientific secretary of the Institute, PhD, Associate Professor Irada Aliyeva, Head of Karabakh History Department, responsible editor of the book "Iravan khanate: Russian occupation and Armenians displacement in Northern Azerbaijan", editor-in-chief of the book orientalist, associate professor Guntekin Najafli and a responsible editor of the book fo same name in Arabic, Gulnur Mahmudova. 

At the meeting, Yagub Mahmudov thanked to Elkhan Gahramanov for the visit program organized by the embassy of our country in Kuwait. He said that the main purpose of his visit was to discover the realities of Azerbaijan - the territory of modern Armenia is historic Azerbaijani land, the Armenians were relocated by the Tshar Russia to the South Caucasus under the treaties of Turkmenchay (1828) and Edirne (1829). He said that after the establishment of the Armenian state on Azerbaijani lands, these mosques were completely destroyed by the Armenian vandals and continued Armenian vandalism against our historical monuments in the occupied Karabakh lands.

At the end of the meeting, Yaqub Mahmudov presented to the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Kuwait the publications of the Institute of History in Arabic language: "Iravan Khanate: Russian Occupation and Displacement of Armenians to Northern Azerbaijan", "Iravan Khanate: Iravan Castle – The castle of heroism", “Judges of Chukhursad and Iravan khanates" and "Iravan Khanate: Khan's palace destroyed by Armenian vandals".

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