Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


12.11.2019 09:48
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Archaeological investigations are underway at Badoyun Mosque in Lahij

Archaeological investigations are underway at Badoyun Mosque in Lahij

Archaeological expedition of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS with the financial support of the State Tourism Agency has started research works in Badoyun mosque in Lahij reserve. First vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, during a visit to Lahij, spoke to Pusta Aliyeva, a resident of the village, who gave information about the poor condition of Badoyun mosque. First vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, instructed to immediately repair the monument.

According to the memorandum signed between the State Tourism Agency and this scientific institution, the archeological research works are planned to be carried out before the renovation.

According to head of the Lahij Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Ph.D. Akif Guliyev, the investigations in Badouny mosque have revealed the history of the monument, its initial architecture.

The monument was built in 1791 according to the registration number of the State Tourism Agency. There are 8 books on the monument. Seven of them are in Arabic and one in Azerbaijani with Arabic graphics. Following the religious hadith texts shown in the two books, dates of the Hijri 1295 (1878) and the Hijri 1323 (1905) are mentioned.

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