Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.12.2019 13:13
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Institute of Literature held a scientific session dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu

Institute of Literature held a scientific session dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu

On December 2, in the Electronic Assembly Hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS was held a scientific session dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding thinker, publicist and public figure Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu.

Opening the event, ANAS vice - president academician Isa Habibbayli emphasized the importance of the decree of President Ilham Aliyev to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu. By order of the head of state, 150th anniversary of the outstanding thinker was celebrated by a number of events in ANAS.

ANAS vice-president said that today's event was organized by the Department of Azerbaijan Emigration Literature of the Institute, and noted that the newly created department conducted systematic research in the direction of studying emigration literature and published works related to our outstanding personalities. He stressed out that such mass events dedicated to our outstanding personalities are useful from the point of view of in-depth study and promotion of their vibrant life and work.

Academician I. Habibbayli spoke about the activities of the prominent thinker Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu, described his national services against the background of history and modernity and noted that he occupies a special place in the history of public opinion in Azerbaijan. A. Aghaoghlu kept national-moral and Islamic values in Azerbaijan and Turkey. An outstanding thinker played a large role in achieving the national independence of both nations.

At the scientific session, lectures of the Doctor of philological sciences Nikpur Jabbarli “Problems of publishing and researching the literary and journalistic heritage of Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu”, PhDs in Philology Shahbaz Shamioglu “Phenomenon Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu” and Abid Tahirli “Epistolary heritage of Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu”.

The lectures conducts that, Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu is a consistent supporter of modernization policies in the Muslim East. In the course of his interdisciplinary, intensive and productive work to protect national interests, he created a brilliant literary-journalistic and full-fledged scientific and theoretical heritage, ensuring the enrichment of literary, cultural and socio-philosophical values in Azerbaijan with new ideas and concepts.

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