A meeting of the Coordination Council for Clinical Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine (CCCTRM) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held at the Medical Surgical Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University on December 3.
Opening the event, chairman of the council corresponding member of ANAS Nuru Bayramov opened the event and informed the participants on the agenda. He said that major tasks of the council are participating in the development of research work plans, including fundamental and promising topics in the plans, removing duplicate topics, and preparing suggestions on suspending their funding.
Noting the need for rigorous oversight of theses in the scientific councils of institutions and organizations, the scientist said that CCCTRM would conduct expertise to improve the quality of research.
N. Bayramov said that in the future, among quality of theses, CCCTRM will also monitor scientific works of specialists of departments and enterprises, as well as graduates.
Later, discussions were carried out on following priority areas of medical science - regenerative medicine, genomics, molecular biology, transcription medicine, evidence-based medicine, and the application of information and communication technologies in medicine (artificial intelligence) etc.
The meeting decided to hold a regular meeting of the council.
Finally, a number of current issues were scheduled.
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