Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


11.12.2019 16:17
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Literature Museum commomerated national leader Heydar Aliyev

Literature Museum commomerated national leader Heydar Aliyev

On December 11, National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature held a scientific session dedicated to the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev on topic "Savior of our independence, founder of modern state".

An exhibition reflecting life and activity of the great leader was also presented during the session.

At the event director of the museum, academician Rafael Huseynov delivered a lecture on "The name that will always live in our history of independence". He noted that when national leader Heydar Aliyev first came to power in 1969, Azerbaijan was ranked in the latter positions among the USSR republics for its economic performance. National leader was able to solve the fateful problems in a short time with the rich outlook and foresight and achieved significant successes in the economy, industry and agriculture of Azerbaijan. He noted that thanks to the national leader's determination, the state budget allocated to the country increased, as well as Baku Domestic Air Conditioning Plant, which is of vital importance to the Soviet community, has opened.

He underlined that a military high school named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski was opened in Baku on the initiative of the great leader and professional officers trained here play a key role in the formation of the Azerbaijani army.

R. Huseynov reminded that the national leader paid special attention to the literature and culture of Azerbaijan during those years, the jubilees of our poets and writers were celebrated at UNESCO level, and Nasimi, Babek, Dede Gorgud and other national films were shot.

In his speech, he also touched upon the issue of training highly qualified staff by H. Aliyev. Many young Azerbaijanis were sent to higher education in various regions of the USSR and these people played an important role in the development of the republic after gaining independence.

He stressed out that, H. Aliyev saved the country from the threat of extinction in 1993, reformed state organs and signed "Contract of the Century", which will transport Azerbaijani oil to the world via the Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan oil pipeline, and pave the way increase of investment inflows to the republic.

Great leader’s ideas still remain relevant today and his memory will always live in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people, R. Huseynov added.

Also, at the session were listened to the lectures of the deputy director for science of the Museum, Professor Khatira Bashirli on "Heydar Aliyev's attitude to Literature" and chief department, Professor Shafag Alibeyli "Heydar Aliyev epithets".

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