Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


24.12.2019 17:31
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Corresponding member of ANAS Goshgar Ahmadov commemorated at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Corresponding member of ANAS Goshgar Ahmadov commemorated at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics held an event in memory of outstanding scientist and educator, public figure, organizer of science and education, corresponding member of ANAS Goshgar Ahmadov.

Honored Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Associate Professor of the University of Culture and Art Azad Shukurov spoke about the meaningful life and scientific-pedagogical activity of the mathematician scientist.

Then, director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov spoke about the role of G. Ahmadov in the development of science and education, and stated him as a founder of the Department of Differential and Integral Equations.

It was noted that in 1941, G. Ahmadov graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Azerbaijan State University (now BSU). He defended his PhD thesis in 1950 and doctoral thesis in 1960. In 1969, he was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

Scientist worked as the deputy dean and dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at BSU, head Department of Differential and Integral Equations. Being author of more than 70 scientific works, Ahmadov provided important services in the training of highly qualified staff. He supervised for over 60 PhD and doctoral theses.

Later, professors Mammad Bayramoglu, Mammad Yagubov, Nihan Aliyev, Telman Malikov, Akbar Aliyev and many others emphasized that G. Ahmadov is an outstanding scientist, a noble and a good man and shared his memories about him.

The event continued with the art section.

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