Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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22.10.2014 00:00
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First International symposium “Predecessors and successors” launched

First International symposium “Predecessors and successors” launched

First International Symposium on “The predecessors and successors,” dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding thinker Ali Bey Huseynzadeh and the 105th anniversary of academician turkologist Mammadaga Shiraliev started at ANAS Center for Information Resources October 22, 2014.

International symposium was attended by representatives of more than 12 foreign countries, including Turkey, Kazakhstan, Poland, Albania, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, the United Kingdom and Bulgaria.

First was voiced National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Opening the event Director of ANAS Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi Tofig Hajiyev said that the goal of the international symposium “The predecessors and successors” is to familiarize the younger generation with prominent linguists of the Turkic world, the invitation to the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku representatives of the Turkic world from different generations, especially young linguists, reading the scientific heritage of their predecessors and successors, as well as the creation of youth communication with peers, exchange experience. T.Hajiyev also spoke about the tasks set by the Institute of Linguistics in the field of implementation of the “State Program on the use of the Azerbaijani language in the context of globalization, in accordance with the requirements of time and the development of linguistics in the country.”

Then academician-secretary of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of ANAS Teymur Karimli announced to the participants a letter from President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh.

State Advisor to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on ethnic issues, issues of multiculturalism and religion, academician Kamal Abdullayev spoke about the merits of Ali bey Huseynzadeh and academician Mammadaga Shiraliev in development of Azerbaijan linguistics, emphasized the role of such events in the creation of links between the predecessors and successors.

In their speeches, the Turkish professor Sukru Haluk Akal and Zeynab Korkmaz noted that the dedication symposium anniversaries of two eminent personalities are evidence of great respect for their memory.

Turkish professor Zeinab Korkmaz and academician Kamal Abdullayev were awarded with Academician Mammadaga Shiraliyev Prize.

Then symposium continued to work in the breakout sessions. Note that the section of the symposium dedicated to Ali Bey Huseynzadeh, to be held on October 23 at the University of the Caucasus.

The symposium will complete work on 24 of October.

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