Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


11.06.2020 16:10
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An online event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Seyfaddin Aliyev

An online event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Seyfaddin Aliyev

Today, an online event was held at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, academician Seyfaddin Aliyev.

The event was opened by the vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, academician Irada Huseynova. She spoke about the fruitful scientific activities of Seyfaddin Aliyev, a famous scientist in the field of zoology and entomology. According to her, S. Aliyev is the author of 168 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 4 books and 3 scientific booklets written to help agricultural workers. The scientist is one of the authors of the textbook “Zoology” and the 10-volume “Encyclopedia of Azerbaijan”, prepared for high school students, as well as the author of the translation into Azerbaijani of the textbook “Zoology of Invertebrates” written by V. A. Dogel for universities in Russian.

It was noted that Academician S. Aliyev is the chief compiler and executive editor of the second volume of the monograph “Animal World of Azerbaijan”, consisting of 3 volumes translated into Azerbaijani. In addition, he is the editor of 9 textbooks, 2 study guides, 6 monographs, 4 booklets written for universities, as well as the compiler of the terms zoology and entomology in the fourth volume of the explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language.

Then academician Irada Huseynova spoke about the high human qualities of the hero of the anniversary, noting that he was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences.

Having acted further Director of the Institute of Zoology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Elshad Ahmadov spoke about the contribution of Seyfaddin Aliyev to Azerbaijani science. He noted that the scientist also played an invaluable role in the training of highly qualified personnel. Transferring his knowledge and skills, rich experience to young researchers, he became their close adviser and patron.

ANAS corresponding member Ilham Alakbarov professor Janbakhish Najafov, PhD in Biology Gara Fataliyev and others also took part in the online event.

Finally, a film was shown about the life and work of the scientist.

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