Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Collaboration ties between Azerbaijanian and Japanese seismologists to enhance
24.10.2014 00:00
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Collaboration ties between Azerbaijanian and Japanese seismologists to enhance

Collaboration ties will be enhanced between Azerbaijanian and Japanese seismologists in the field of studying the mud volcanoes and conducting seismic monitoring in high buildings in Baku. Agreement about it has been gained in a meeting between Gurban Yetrmishli, director of ANAS Republican Seismological Survey Center and Enji Koide, chief engineer on the production and application of seismic equipment at Japanese “SHINYEI OYO S-I” Co.

Azerbaijanian seismologists’ observations and vital fulfillments related to studying the relation between mud volcanoes and earthquakes arouse interest in Japan, noted Enji Koide.

G. Yetirmishli informed the guest about seismic observations while volcano erection in the territory of Azerbaijan in last year.

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