Presidium of ANAS held scientific conference dedicated to discussion of “Shah Ismayil Khatayi: portrait of the ruler and warrior” book by acad. Ramiz Mehdiyev. President of ANAS acad. Akif Alizadeh, vice-president of ANAS acad. Isa Habibbayli and active members of ANAS spoke about purpose and significance of the conference.
It was noted that this work is a product of the most comprehensive and systematic review to military- political, ideological and diplomatic heritage of Shah Ismail Safavi (1487-1524), outstanding statesman and military leader, the founder of the first centralized state - The Safavids.
“From author” chapter of the work states that, one of the vital tasks before national history is the revaluation of outstanding personalities of Azerbaijan.
Acad. Ramiz Mehdiyev writes: “Azerbaijan can be proud of the outstanding personalities who have made great contributions to the political history of mankind, and world's cultural heritage. During the most complicated and desperate periods of history there were political figures, brave heroes, prominent scientists and thinkers among people who has changed the march of history in favor by ignoring threats and dangers.”
Deputy director of ANAS Institute of Oriental Studies Shahin Mustafayev, chief department of ANAS Institute of History corresponding member of ANAS Nargis Akhundova, director of ANAS Institute for History of Science Dr. History Shahin Fazil reported in the event. Note that, Ramiz Mehdiyev’s work composed of seven chapters: “Impartial and hatred”, " Ethnicity of the Safavid dynasty “, “Safaviya” Order creation and politicization “, “The ideology of the Safavids. Kızılbashlık and Shia as a means of political struggle”," Shah Ismayil’s great state: review over military and the political system”, “Shah Ismayil Safavi and prosperity of Azerbaijan culture and language”.
Director of ANAS Institute of History corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mammadov and ANAS Institute of World Policy Dr. History prof. Musa Gasimli delivered lectures. Note that, the edition published in the “East-West” house is intended for historians, orientalists as well as for those who interested in same period of Azerbaijan history and political heritage of Shah Ismayil Khatayi.
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