Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.12.2014 00:00
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Azerbaijan and Russian scientists discussed joint research opportunities

Azerbaijan and Russian scientists discussed joint research opportunities

ANAS and Department of Earth Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) discussed joint research opportunities. Within visit to Moscow from December 7 to 10, delegation led by vice-president of ANAS acad. Ibrahim Guliyev met with scientists of Department of Earth Sciences of RAS.

Delegation also consisting of academician-secretary of Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS acad. Fakhraddin Gadirov and director of the Institute of Geography named after H.Aliyev acad. Ramiz Mammadov held exchange of view with academician-secretary of RAS acad. Alexander Gliko and his deputy Mikhail Fedonkin in the direction of improving the scientific ties. Geodynamic conditions of the Caucasus-Caspian region, geological hazards, hydrocarbon systems, as well as the investigation of mud volcanism and environmental problems were discussed.

Later on, delegation met with prof. Sergey Tikhoskiy, director of the Institute of Earth physics of RAS. Joint researches in the field of oil-gas geophysics and seismic monitoring in the Caucasus-Caspian region are expected to carry out.

During the visit, delegation issued the joint action plans, and held exchange of view on theoretical methods to explore geological, geophysical and geological hazards of the seabed with director of the Institute of Geography of RAS, acad. Vladimir Kotlyakov and Deputy Director of the institute for scientific affairs prof. Arkady Tishkov, and deputy director of the Institute of Oceanology of the RAS corresponding member prof. Leopold Lopkovski. Developing “Atlas of the Caspian sea and its surrounding regions” was considered important as well.

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