Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.12.2014 00:00
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Memorandum of cooperation between ANAS and Steel Production Complex (JSC)

Memorandum of cooperation between ANAS and Steel Production Complex (JSC)

On December 22, 2014 at Presidium of ANAS the memorandum of cooperation between ANAS and Steel Production Complex (JSC) was signed. Opening the event president of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh told about prompt development of science in the country in recent years and noted that the signing of the memorandum is of great importance from the point of view of application of scientific innovations in manufacturing, particularly in metallurgy, as well as the expansion of ties between two organizations. Speaking about use of modern technologies in various fields of science, head of ANAS put in the forefront need for preparation of highly qualified personnel. Then the memorandum of cooperation was signed. The document was signed by the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh and Chairman of Steel Production Complex (JSC) Samir Jafarov. In the memorandum the research of iron ore reserves in the Dashkesan territory and geological research of other natural resources, implementation of innovative projects and programs in the sphere of mining and metallurgical industry, and also carrying out joint research works is intended.

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