Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


17.12.2020 22:11
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The Institute of Dendrology reported on its activities this year

The Institute of Dendrology reported on its activities this year

On December 17, a joint online meeting of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS and the Scientific Council of the Institute of Dendrology was held.

The event was attended by the Vice-President of ANAS, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Academician Irada Huseynova and members of the Scientific Council of the department.

The report of the Institute of Dendrology on the results of scientific and scientific-organizational activities in 2020 was heard at the meeting. The director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS Tofig Mammadov, who presented the report, gave detailed information about the work done at the enterprise in connection with the implementation of decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers, State Programs this year.

T.Mammadov noted that the interaction between fundamental science and education has been significantly strengthened in recent years. In 2020, the organization's international relations have significantly increased, and employees of the institute have participated in several international conferences. He also touched upon the publishing activities of the company, noting that the number of articles published in prestigious journals with a high impact factor increased significantly during the reporting period.

The report was widely discussed, and the speakers considered the activities of the institute and the results achieved satisfactory.

In the end, the activity of the enterprise was positively assessed and it was decided to adopt an annual report.

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