Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.03.2021 19:41
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An event dedicated to Science Day was held at the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center

An event dedicated to Science Day was held at the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center

An online seminar dedicated to March 27 - Science Day was held at the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center of ANAS.

Speaking at the event, Sevinj Huseynova, Deputy Director of Lankaran Regional Scientific Center, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Associate Professor, congratulated the participants on the significant day and spoke about the establishment of Science Day, the high value given to science in Azerbaijan gave.

Then the scientific secretary of the center, doctor of philosophy in philology Mehman Aliyev made a report on "Nizami - as a great scientist." He said that science was highly valued in Nizami's works, and the role of science in solving the most difficult problems was highlighted.

The seminar was also attended by the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Farid Mustafayev, Director of Guba branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Associate Professor Yusif Aliyev and others shared their views on Science Day, its importance, inter-institutional cooperation, as well as other issues.

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