Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.04.2021 17:24
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The Kazakhstan ambassador to Azerbaijan visited the Central Scientific Library

The Kazakhstan ambassador to Azerbaijan visited the Central Scientific Library

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan Serjan Abdykarimov and First Secretary of the Embassy Akbota Mussabayeva visited the Central Scientific Library (CSL) of ANAS.

Director of the CSL, Professor Mammad Aliyev greeted the guests on behalf of the President of ANAS, Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev and expressed his pleasure to see them in the library. Giving detailed information about the activities and history of the library, Mammad Aliyev spoke about the activities of the institution in the field of international relations and the resulting relations with many foreign countries for the exchange of books, noting the importance of libraries in Kazakhstan in this regard.

Ambassador Serjan Abdykarimov said he was glad to be welcomed at the library at a high level. Congratulating the people of Azerbaijan on the victory in the 44-day war, the ambassador said he was visiting the liberated regions with representatives of the diplomatic corps operating in the country.

He spoke about the further strengthening of friendly relations between the two countries, the importance of mutual international book exchange and future cooperation. Serjan Abdykarimov proposed to create an electronic catalog of Kazakh literature and the Kazakh Literature Foundation in the CSL.

Touching upon the ambassador's proposal, Mammad Aliyev noted that a fund of literature of Turkic-speaking countries is expected to be established in the future.

During the meeting, Ambassador Serjan Abdikarimov also presented a book to the CSL. The books, mainly in Russian and English, contain the state of Kazakhstan, its geography, modern urban architecture, history and other sources.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on cooperation with academic libraries in the Republic of Kazakhstan and decided to implement this cooperation in the near future.

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