Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


15.04.2021 14:10
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A seminar on the study of Nizami's lexicon was held

A seminar on the study of Nizami's lexicon was held

The Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov of ANAS hosted a seminar on "Study of Nizami's lexicon (based on M.Mammadova's research)" within the framework of the events organized on the occasion of the 880th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi.

Opening the event, Mehdi Kazimov, head of the department of research and publication of sources and written monuments, doctor of philological sciences, professor, said that the next seminar was dedicated to the study of the lexicon of the great poet's works. M.Kazimov said that Nizami language was distinguished by its ambiguity and diversity in the classical Persian language environment. He noted that in Nizami's work, a word has several meanings, so the translation of the poet's works is not easy...

Afterwards, the report was discussed, and the speaker answered the questions of the seminar participants.

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