Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.02.2015 00:00
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ANAS Department of Earth Sciences submitted scientific-organizing activity for 2014

ANAS Department of Earth Sciences submitted scientific-organizing activity for 2014

On February 6, scientific-organizing activity of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences (DES) for 2014 has been submitted in a meeting of the Presidium. Academician-secretary of the department acad. Fakhraddin Gadirov stated that, plan of research works covered both fundamental and applied natured technical investigations in 2014. 58 research works, a topic and 22 works over 11 problems and 36 themes were completed during a report year.

DES institutions have implemented several measures included into the State Programs approved by Mr. President and intended usage of scientific and technological capacity of the department.

Department employees have released 3 monographs, 5 books including 2 in abroad, 16 manuals and scientific periodical editions, defended 18 theses and prepared for defense 5 research works.

In 2014, 45 papers by scientists were published on the journals with impact factor. Papers were referred to 437 citations, as well as fulfillments done over 25 grant projects.

International ties of the department cover the signing the agreements between separate employees and international organizations, celebrate research institutions, highest schools, companies, foundations of the foreign countries, organizing conference and workshops, edition activity, visits, exhibitions etc. 3 scientists of the department have been elected the member of International Academies. Young scientists of the department institutions delivered lectures in number of prestigious global conference and forums.

According to lecturer, key task of DES is to reach the quality of research works at level of modern standards. Improving scientific-organizing structure, staff training, funding allocation for research through competition, enhancing global ties, equipping the laboratories via the latest devices and interdisciplinary research are the main factors in this direction.

Besides achievements, F. Gadirov spoke about setbacks and unsolved challenges. He brought to mind the necessity to study space-time changes in the physical parts of the Earth in Sheki Regional Scientific Center and development of medical geology.

Pursuant to the decision of the Presidium of ANAS, scientific-organizing activity of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences (DES) for 2014 has been endorsed. Oversight on decision execution was assigned to vice-president of ANAS, acad. Ibrahim Guliyev.

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