Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.02.2015 00:00
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Activity of ANAS Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences for 2014 submitted

Activity of ANAS Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences for 2014 submitted

On February 18, activity of ANAS Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences (DHSS) for 2014 has been submitted in an assembly of the Presidium of ANAS. Academician-secretary of the department, acad. Teymur Karimli brought to mind common data on the activity and stated that, research works that conducted in the department has been directed to independency of Azerbaijan, intellectual growth, social-political stability, protection of national privacy, close integration of the country to the world and protection of national-moral values in these processes. As other department associates, employees engaged in humanitarian and social sciences have also demonstrated their academic achievements in Baku Science Festival, formed at initiative of president of ANAS acad. Akif Alizadeh.

As a result of elections in ANAS for active and corresponding membership, 6 active and 11 corresponding members were included into the department, currently, 16 active and 32 corresponding members operate here. By the decision of the Presidium of ANAS 3 new institutes were established attached to DHSS – Institute of Science History, Institute of World Politics, and Institute for Caucasian study, he noted.

Notifying on the execution of AR President’s Order and Decrees T. Karimov stated that, associates of the department have coped with tasks stemming out 25 Orders and Decrees signed by President, as well as a variety of State Programs. “During a report year activity of department has focused over 57 problems in 19 directions and on 202 topics. 19 books monograph and paper bulk was published”, he said.

Institute of Economy sent 15 research works to the governmental bodies and highest institutions with the purpose of application and enrolled positive feedback.

Informing about the participating the competitions of research programs, coordinating fundamental science via education, grant projects attended by department associates, and done fulfillments directed to growth of international ties, academician noted that 2233 individuals operate in the department – 7 of active, 13 of corresponding members. Total number of researchers is 1069 – 121 of Doctors of science, 412 of PhDs. 69 PhD and 7 Doctoral theses were defended within 2014. Currently, 174 intramural, 202 extramural PhD students and 479 candidates for a degree are enrolled in the department.

Report of the DHSS has been asserted by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS. Oversight the decision was assigned to vice-president of ANAS, acad. Isa Habibbayli.

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