Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.01.2022 12:41
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The next meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held

The next meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held

On January 12, the next meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held.

The meeting was attended by the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, other members of the Presidium - academicians Arif Hashimov, Ibrahim Guliyev, Dilgam Tagiyev, Irada Huseynova, Rasim Aliguliyev, Govhar Bakhshalieva, Fikret Aliyev, Adil Garibov, Fuad Aliyev, as well as the head of the Presidium of ANAS, Doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor Seyfal Hasanov and relevant persons.

The President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev opened the meeting with an introductory speech.

Then academician Ramiz Mehdiyev presented Honorary Decree of ANAS on the occasion of the anniversaries of academicians Maharram Babayev and Garib Mammadov, corresponding members of ANAS Tahsin Mutallimov and Ismayil Ismayilov and Ulker Huseynova and Doctor of Philosophy in Philology Agagusein Shukurov – For merits in the long-term activities of the journal of ANAS “Science and Life”.

Then, a report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS for 2021 was heard at the meeting.

Presenting the report, Vice-President of ANAS, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the department, academician Dilgam Tagiyev noted that in 2021, research on 42 topics and 118 works covering 12 problems were conducted in the institutes of the department and 66 works were completed.

Academician noted that 22 important scientific results in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research were achieved in scientific institutions of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS and other scientific and educational institutions of the republic. He also noted that 4 works of an applied nature proposed by the institutes of the department were tested in various organizations and positive results were obtained.

He also noted that during the reporting period, 21 monographs, books and textbooks prepared by the staff of the department's of institutes were published, as well as 841 articles and abstracts were published (474-abroad), 259 articles - in journals included in the “Web of Science” and “Scopus” database and 64 - in groups Q 1-Q 4 of the Clarivate Analytics database. Academician Dilgam Tagiyev noted that the journals “Azerbaijan Chemical Journal” and “Chemical Problems”, published in english at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after M. Nagiyev, are included in the “Scopus” database.

In his speech, the scientist noted that 38 Azerbaijani and 2 Eurasian patents, as well as 6 grants were received at the same time and presented slide information about the relations between institutes and educational institutions, international scientific relations, awards, etc. to the participants of the meeting.

After hearing the report, extensive discussions were held around the speech. In his speech, the head of the Scientific and Organizational Department of the ANAS Presidium, PhD in Physics, Associate Professor Rustam Rustamov noted that the report was checked by the staff of the department and was satisfactory.

Then the Presidium of ANAS adopted the report and made appropriate recommendations.

Another issue on the agenda of the meeting concerned the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Ganja branch of ANAS for 2021. Presenting the report via an online connection, academician Fuad Aliyev noted that in the reporting year 30 research works on 23 topics related to 13 problems were carried out in the institutes of the department, 14 works and 41 stages were completed and 1 patent and 7 important results were obtained.

The scientist also brought to attention the work done within the framework of the “Year of Nizami Ganjavi”.

After hearing the report, discussions were held around the speech and by the decision of the Presidium, the report and relevant decisions were adopted.

Then a number of personnel issues were considered at the event. By the decision of the Presidium of ANAS, the departments of personnel and internal audit and control of the Presidium's staff were merged and Karabakh War veteran Natig Mehdiyev was appointed head of the Department, and Igbal Gahramanov was appointed head of the Special Department.

The meeting also approved a plan of scientific and scientific-organizational events at the international and national levels for 2022.

Academicians Arif Hashimov, Irada Huseynova, Rasim Aliguliyev, Fikret Aliyev and Adil Garibov shared their opinions and voiced their proposals.

In conclusion, the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev gave relevant instructions on the priority of applied works that will contribute to the economy of Azerbaijan, strengthening work in the field of coordination of scientific research in the republic, etc.

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