Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.05.2015 00:00
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International conference on "The contribution of scientists to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War"

International conference on "The contribution of scientists to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War"

ANAS Azerbaijan National History Museum joint with National Council of Veterans and Academy hosted the international conference on topic "The contribution of scientists to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

First of all, participants of the event visited the grave of national leader Heydar Aliyev. Then the guests familiarized with the exhibition dedicated to this significant event.

Event was opened by President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh.

For this purpose President Ilham Aliyev signed a special decree "On approval of the Action Plan on preparation and celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the War of 1941-1945.".

The academician said that during those years the Azerbaijani branch of USSR Academy of Sciences, scientific research institutions, creative society and chairs of highest schools in the country constructed their activities in accordance with the requirements of the war years.

Azerbaijan Scientists have made shells against armored equipment, self-governed bombs, anti-tank electric mines, multistage mines and protecting ammunition from rust and also proposed galvanizing of a surface manual bomb.

Speaking of the success obtained by our scientists during the war, academician noted that in the summer of 1941 the first group of hydrogen compounds was made in Baku.

Under the leadership of the academician Yusif Mammadaliyev, group of scientists working tirelessly for 28 days, received a high-octane aviation fuel, which was a big breakthrough in the petrochemical industry.

These discoveries were of great military importance. He stressed that, under the leadership of Izzet Orujov the domestic chemists were developed and applied in industry production technology of lubricants for aircraft, tanks and various military vehicles.

Also, under the leadership of geologists Mirali Gashgai and Shamil Azizbayov was revealed the strategic raw material - deposits of refractory clay, phosphorite, etc. As a result of geologists "Azneft" exploration has identified 850 sources of oil high production rate, discovered oil fields "Gala", "Bulla-Deniz", "Buzovna," "Mashtaga" "Naftalan", "Amirkhanli", "Duvanny" gas field in the oil region of "Gobustan" new oil and gas reserves in the field of Utalgi as well.

Alizadeh noted that the detection of stratigraphic deposits is a great success of geological science of Azerbaijan.

Academician added that, with the assistance of physicists in the republic glass insulators were organized the technology of usage of phosphoric colors in oil industry during a night shift. And scientists-biologists actively participated in detection of herbs, the vitamin-rich wild fruit growing in the territory of the country.

In his speech, he noted that Professor Mustafa Topchubashov and his students have developed new and effective methods of war surgery, thus returned to the life of thousands of the wounded soldiers. People working in social sciences and humanities have created works that tell about the heroic history of the people and the military traditions.

The scientist noted that national leader Heydar Aliyev paid a special attention to research of history of 2


World War, to studying of a contribution of our people to a victory over fascism, heroic feats of Azerbaijanians on military fronts, a military way of the Azerbaijani national divisions organized in those years, a role of scientists and other issues.

Stressing that Azerbaijani scientists made a great contribution to the victory over the enemy, academician added that, pursuant to the Order signed by President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, organization of the event was directly involved by ANAS.

In conclusion of his speech academician congratulated the Azerbaijani people, scientists and veterans of the war who have contributed to the victory over fascism in the war 1941-1945, and wished the new achievements to our people.

Then the deputy director of ANAS Institute of History, PhD in history Jabi Bahramov noted that the contribution of our people to the Victory is invaluable.

In general, for years of war in 1941-1945 through general and military training in the republic over 60 thousand fighters were trained. In total, in 1941-1945 have been mobilized about 700 thousand people from Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic into army; 11 thousand from them were women.

Notifying about financial support of Azerbaijani people to the front in 1941-1945 to USSR, J. Bahramov noted that the 110 million tons of oil were extracted. The scientist emphasized that 75,2 million tons of it were extracted from our country. 85-90% of all fuel and lubricant oils which those years were sent to the front fell to the share of oil industry of Azerbaijan. In military years in oil industry 22 million tons of oil products composed of fuel and lubricants, including 3 million 314 thousand tons of aviation gasoline, 1 million 216 thousand tons of automobile gasoline, 4 million 612 thousand tons of lubricant oils, 2 million tons of diesel fuel.

The speaker noted that in 1941-1945 for satisfaction of needs of the front and national economy, the Baku department of the Southern Caucasian railroads directed 1 million 600 thousand cars, including  480 thousand cars of dry freight and 500 thousand tons of tanks of oil products. In the years of war, 35 petrotransportation railway tanks were transported to the city of Krasnovodsk from Baku by means of Caspian Sea oil fleet. These years by means of shipping company "Kasptanker", 2 million 400 thousand tons of gasoline, which 145 thousand tons were sent to the Stalingrad front, and 206 thousand tons to the the Kursk front were transported. Also in the years of warwere mobilized 5 thousand 457 Lorries, 371 passenger cars and 301 other vehicles, lubricant oils, 2 million tons of diesel fuel from Azerbaijanis to the Soviet Socialist Republic.

At the conference Chairman of Veterans Council, Major General Dadash Rzayev, director of the Institute of History of natural sciences and Technology named after S.Vavilov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN), Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Baturin, a senior fellow at the Institute of History and Ethnology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences doctor of Historical Sciences Niko Javakhishvili, head of the Department of Modern History of Institute of History of Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. Sergei Tretyakov were reported.

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