Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.03.2022 17:06
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Academician Arif Hashimov: “Research of scientists of the Division of Earth Sciences plays an important role in the development of the Republic”

Academician Arif Hashimov: “Research of scientists of the Division of Earth Sciences plays an important role in the development of the Republic”

On March 10, at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, the Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov met with the general directors, executive directors and scientific secretaries of the scientific institutions of the Division of Earth Sciences of the Academy.

Opening the event, general director of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, academician Akif Alizadeh said that the meeting was dedicated to the discussion of the current state of enterprises included in the Division of Earth Sciences, current problems and researches, perspective plans and modernization of scientific research. Recalling that the Acting President of ANAS Arif Hashimov had previously met with scientists from other scientific departments of the Academy, Academician Akif Alizadeh highly appreciated such events, stressed the importance of meetings with senior officials, scientists on the ground, listening to their problems from the point of view of organizing scientific research and achieving important achievements.

He noted that the scientists of ANAS and the Division of Earth Sciences are ready to take an active part in all the steps to develop the science of Azerbaijan and share many years of experience.

Speaking at the meeting, Acting President of ANAS academician Arif Hashimov said that one of the main goals of the establishment of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 1945 was to study the natural resources of our country. According to academician Arif Hashimov, researches on geology and geophysics, development of oil and gas fields, seismology and geography, alternative energy, natural resources, environmental protection, problems of the Caspian Sea, ecology and other fields, which are the basis of the scientific activity of the Division of Earth Sciences, play an important role in the development of the Republic in Azerbaijan. Noting that the above-mentioned Division has brought up outstanding scientists who have fallen into the history of both Azerbaijan and the former USSR, academician Arif Hashimov brought to the attention that the employees of the DES have great scientific potential.

He stressed that in 2011, at the general meeting of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh made 4 important proposals on the complex studies to be carried out in the Division of Earth Sciences, which, in turn, was manifested in the achievements of the department in recent years.

Speaking about the preparation of the project of “Sustainable Development Goals of science of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2030”, academician Arif Hashimov said that a number of important proposals issued by the Division were reflected in the document.

At the end of his speech, academician touched upon the importance of preserving scientific potential, noted the necessity of maintaining the continuity of scientific schools and science.

Speaking at the event, Vice-President of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division, academician Ibrahim Guliyev noted that the Division has a strong scientific potential and in recent years, young employees have been sent to practice at international academic centers through grant projects to protect this potential.

Noting that the climate changes taking place in the world today reveal a number of geological problems, academician Ibrahim Guliyev said that scientists operating in the field of Earth Sciences are responsible for conducting research on these problems and solving them.

Touching upon the existing problems in the Division of Earth Sciences, academician Ibrahim Guliyev said that the Republic, which is relevant today, needs a number of equipment to conduct important studies in water resources, climatology and other areas and as a result, it is necessary to organize special laboratories. He also voiced his proposals on expanding relations between ANAS and Azercosmos OJSC, financing expeditions and others.

General director of the Institute of Oil and Gas of ANAS, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov, general director of the Republican Seismic Survey Center, corresponding member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmishli, general director of the Institute of Geography, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Zakir Eminov and general director of the Museum of Natural History, PhD in biology Tariel Eybatov made a speech at the meeting,that seismic stations to be installed and planned to be installed at the expense of the international grant project, etc. he noted that investigations were carried out in the directions, as well as voiced his proposals.

In conclusion, the Acting President of ANAS academician Arif Hashimov noted that such meetings will be held regularly and wished the employees of the Division success in scientific research.

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