On March 16, at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov met with the general directors, executive directors and scientific secretaries of the scientific institutions of the Division of Social Sciences of the Academy.
Opening the event, academician Arif Hashimov touched upon the role of research conducted in the Division of Social Sciences in the formation of national ideology and the history of public thought of Azerbaijan. Academician noted that, today the institutions of the Division carry out important research in the history, philosophy, archeology, ethnography, anthropology, economy, collection, protection and promotion of material monuments, socio-cultural development of the Eastern countries, processes in the South Caucasus, the history of natural and exact sciences, human rights and other directions.
Referring to the purpose of the meeting, academician Arif Hashimov said that work is currently underway on the preparation of the project “Sustainable Development Strategy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2030” on the basis of generalized proposals from a number of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS. He recalled that the last time such a document was prepared in 2008 and adopted in 2009.
Noting that such meetings were held with several scientific departments of ANAS and effective proposals were made, A.Hashimov said he was ready to listen to the proposals on the current state of enterprises included in the Division of Social Sciences , future plans and sustainable development of Azerbaijani science.
Then Acting Vice-president of ANAS, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva in her speech said that the research conducted in the Division is of strategic importance and plays an important role in the public life of the country. Informing about the Division, academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva said that the structure of the DSS includes 8 institutes and 1 Museum, more than 1600 employees work in these institutions, of which 6 are academician, 9 are corresponding members and 836 are scientific workers. She noted that the researches carried out in the enterprises of the Division were satisfactory and 21 important results were obtained last year and also touched on publishing activities, integration of science and education, as well as international relations.
The head of the Division said that the expectations from the research planned for 2022 were great and in this direction the multi-volume “History of Azerbaijan XV Volume”, II volume of the book “Essays on the history of South Azerbaijan”, monograph ““Shusha declaration” and new realities of the South Caucasus: geopolitical, philosophical and sociological context”, the publication of the books prominent personalities of Shusha, as well as “Armenia, in the southern policy of the state of Israel”, archaeological exploration and excavation works in the liberated Karabakh territory, scientific research in accordance with the Order of “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for socio-economic development”, it is planned to conduct scientific research, the international conference “On prospects for cooperation in the field of science and innovations of the Turkic states” and the exhibition on “Khari bulbul's Homeland Shusha”.
The meeting was also attended by the General director of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, academician Naila Valikhanli, General director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, professor Ilham Mammadzade, General director of the Institute of History, named after A.A.Bakikhanov, professor Kerim Shukurov, General director of the Institute of Economics, professor Nazim Imanov and General director of the Institute of Caucasian Studies, corresponding member of ANAS Musa Gasimli made reports on strengthening coordination between scientific institutions of the Academy, the use of new technological methods in science, expanding the organization of virtual laboratories, simplifying the procedure for writing dissertations, increasing attention to ideological work, awarding prizes for scientific results, acquisition of prestigious scientific journals published abroad, as well as simplifying the mechanism for allocating funding to ensure the periodicity of journals published in institutes, changing the principles of financing science, management flexibility, creating a topic bank, etc. they voiced their proposals.
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